Plastic Surgery Blog | Fresno, CA

Explore multiple blog posts directly from the team at John F. Burnett, MD in Fresno, CA.

How Does Earlobe Reconstruction Work?

Dr. John Burnett | 04/16/2023

If your earlobes are stretched out and are no longer aesthetically pleasing to you, find out if earlobe reconstruction can help repair them.


Liposuction Can Help Reduce Under Neck Fat

Dr. John Burnett | 03/14/2023

Liposuction may help if you have a double chin or neck fat. Read about this plastic surgery in Fresno and how lipoplasty provides smoother contours.


A Brow Lift Can Help Improve Your Angry Resting Face

Dr. John Burnett | 02/20/2023

Stop looking angry or tired when you aren’t. Consider brow lift surgery for a refreshed new look.


Struggling to Lose Stubborn Fat? Consider a Fat Transfer

Dr. John Burnett | 01/15/2023

If you're near your goal weight and have a few stubborn pounds to lose, a fat transfer can help you get rid of them while sculpting other areas.


Will Thigh Lift Surgery Make My Thighs Look Smaller?

Dr. John Burnett | 12/16/2022

Find out how a thigh lift can help you finish your weight loss transformation by reducing sagging skin on your inner and outer thighs.


Four Things to Consider Before Arm Lift Surgery

Dr. John Burnett | 11/21/2022

Achieve contoured, defined upper arms with highly customized arm lift surgery.


Can I Get Perkier Breasts with Breast Augmentation With Lift Surgery?

Dr. John Burnett | 10/20/2022

Learn about how a breast augmentation with lift conducted in Fresno, CA can give you perkier breasts.


Three Reasons Why a Brazilian Butt Lift is Worth It

Dr. John Burnett | 09/13/2022

Enjoy the benefits of a Brazilian butt lift, including natural-appearing, curvaceous body contouring results.


When Should Patients Have After Weight Loss Surgery?

Dr. John Burnett | 08/11/2022

If you’ve lost weight, you may be left with heavy, hanging skin. After weight loss surgery may be able to help give you the body you've dreamed of.


How Does Facelift Surgery Reverse Signs of Aging?

Dr. John Burnett | 07/09/2022

Discover all the ways in which a facelift can help turn back the clock on aging and restore a more youthful look.


What is Recovery Like After an Eyelid Lift?

Dr. John Burnett | 06/11/2022

A useful guide on everything you need to know about blepharoplasty recovery.


How Much Fuller Will The Lips Look After A Lip Lift?

Dr. John Burnett | 05/13/2022

Hoping to trade your lip fillers for a more permanent solution? Discover the lip lift, and find out what results may be possible for you.


REVOLVE™ Advanced Adipose System

Learn More about the REVOLVE™ Advanced Adipose System and its benefits for you!


Implants Bottoming Out

Learn about what occurs when your breast implants are bottoming out, and what we can do to help!


Breast Augmentation: Implants and Placement

Learn about breast augmentation and what they can do for you.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.